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Knight New Work 2024 is an open call for the creation of new works by arts practitioners of all genres that incorporate technology into their practice to create, disseminate and enhance the way art is experienced.

The open call will provide a total of $1,000,000 in support of new works by a select group of winners, and will run from June 14 to July 12 at 11:59 pm. It is open to individual artists, collectives and arts organizations that are based in or who have direct connection to Akron, Detroit or South Florida. The funding requests are tiered: $100,000, $50,000 and $25,000.

All applicants must provide letter(s) of support from Akron, Detroit and/or South Florida presenting partner(s) for the premiere of the new work. All works must premiere in Akron, Detroit and/or South Florida.

Arts organizations with an operating budget upwards of $500,000 are required to match the amount of their request dollar to dollar. This is required as an evidence of condition prior to funding and documentation should be provided in your application.

Winners have the option to seek additional advice on their project with a Knight New Work advisor as they develop their proposed work. Winners will participate in a mid-development review session. This will serve as a checkpoint for second disbursement of funds toward the premiere of the work in Spring 2026.

The proposed work concept must:

  • Incorporate technology into the creation and/or dissemination of the work
  • Be new (i.e. not yet premiered)
  • Must have a letter of support from the premiering partner(s) or must provide matching documentation for organizations with current operating budgets over $500,000.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.